Student Behavioral Concerns Response
This guide may be used as a resource when working with troubled students, identifying students in difficulty, helping students, and knowing where to refer students for help when they need it. HTC Counselors or Social Worker are available for consultation if assistance is needed when referring or assisting a student.
Recognize the Problem
- Tardiness or excessive absences
- Repetitive excuses
- Classroom disruption
- Disclosure of sexual assault or harassment
- Sudden or extreme changes in behavior
- Threatening behavior
- Disclosure of suicidal thoughts
What to Do
- Talk to the student in private and allow plenty of time
- Communicate care for the student’s well-being
- If you have concerns about a student you have already tried to help, consult with Counseling Services.
Early Alert & CARE Referral Process
- Academic, attendance, personal, or behavioral issues
- Student requires support but no immediate concern of harm to self or others
- Response time within two weeks
- Link to alert tool can be found in D2L for each class
- Concerns about physical/mental well-being
- Potential threat of harm to self or others
- Urgent response of 24 hours or less
Urgent Counseling
- Behavior that needs immediate attention that requires intervention from a counselor or social worker
- A high level crisis in that moment
- Includes concern of harm to self or others
- Escort student to OneStop or Security Desk and they will locate an appropriate person to assist.
- Response time one hour or less
911 & Campus Security
- CALL 9-1-1 and Campus Security at 763-248-1354
- If you call 9-1-1 from a cell phone, please follow up with Campus Security at 763-248-1354 so they know where to direct emergency services.
If a student exhibits behavior that you feel indicates IMMEDIATE DANGER TO SELF OR SOMEONE ELSE,
CALL 9-1-1 and Campus Security at 763-248-1354.
If you call 9-1-1 from a cell phone, please follow up with campus security BPC x4141, EPC x5151 so they know where to direct emergency services.
For URGENT but NON-CRISIS situations, walk the student to the Security Desk in the front lobby.