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Veterans Resource Center

The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is open! The VRC is located in Room H165 on the Brooklyn Park campus and Room H160 on the Eden Prairie campus. The center provides computers with study areas and a lounge with a kitchenette, television, and video games.

Need Assistance With Your VA Benefits?

Veteran students can apply for VA education benefits in the Veterans Resource Center. For more complicated cases, students can work with one of the MN VA Higher Ed Regional Coordinators who are available by appointment.

Minnesota VA Higher Ed Regional Coordinators

Brooklyn Park Campus

Charles Egerstrom, Regional Coordinator
North Metro

Eden Prairie Campus

Charles Egerstrom, Regional Coordinator
Interim South Metro


Contact Information

Hennepin Technical College Veterans School Certifying Official (SCO)

Michael Crider

Book an Appointment with Michael

Call to Active Duty

If you are called to active duty in the middle of a semester, you have the option to withdraw and receive a refund or delay completion of the course.

  • To extend the course, present a copy of your orders to your faculty for each couse. They will work with you to determine if an extension or withdrawal of the course will be more to your benefit. If the course is extended, you will enter into a contract for an Incomplete Grade and the terms will be communicated and agreed upon before you go to your training.
  • If you decide to withdraw, you must submit a Student Appeal with a copy of your orders.

See the full policy regarding Military Service and Veterans with Disabilities.

For questions about your rights or this process contact your SCO.