Ford ASSET student honored in FutureTechs Rock Awards

Brooklyn Park, June 28, 2023 – Hennepin Technical College student Abbie Vetse won $1,500 and earned national recognition when she was selected as one of the finalists in the 2023 FutureTechs Rock Awards. The competition honors automotive technician students for their achievements.
Veste is a student in the Ford ASSET program at Hennepin Tech. Nationwide, only an estimated two-percent of automotive technicians are women. Hennepin Tech offers mentors to women who are entering in non-traditional fields and the number of women in these fields is increasing.
Though Veste is one of only three women in her automotive classes, she doesn’t see that as a challenge. Instead she describes the class environment like a family that’s always willing to help each other out. Recently, Abbie wrote an essay about her journey.
FutureTechs Rock Essay by Abbie Veste
Immediately after high-school I started the Ford ASSET program at Hennepin Tech to become a fully certified mechanic.
My passion and determination came from my Dad who is also a mechanic and has been for 25 plus years. I see how passionate he is with his work. It was a big impact on me to see someone that was actually happy about going to work every day.
I started to grow interest in the industry so I took a full-time job through the summer after my sophomore year at a dealership. I started as a runner just so I could get a feel for how it would be to make it a lifetime career. I remember my friends at school thought I was crazy giving up my whole summer to work full-time. I was determined and passionate about learning how a shop worked. I continued to finish high-school and still worked full-time throughout my summers.
Last fall my Dad and I drove all the way down to Mississippi to pick up a run-down farm truck. This truck had many main components missing, like a transmission, glow plug relay, alternator, and many more components. Despite all these components missing, this truck is my dream truck, a 1997 7.3 F-350. I will never forget how excited I was when I first saw the truck and when I first got it home. I have been slowly working on restoring it back to its glory days. I am so excited to see the day when it is fully restored and drivable again.
My next goals for my career is to work towards clocking more and more hours per week. My Dad clocks at least 100 hours a week and I am currently at 40. I will slowly work my way up to get to the level he is at. My goal is to also become an electrical and drivability technician.
I will be a fully certified female technician at 20 years old. If you truly want something and if you are truly dedicated is doesn't matter your age or what gender you are. You are your only limitation to achieving your own goals that you have set for yourself.