Academic Advising
The goal of Advising at Hennepin Tech is to assist students in making maximum progress toward their educational, career, and personal goals. To help with your success, we provide services through email, in-person, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or connect by phone.
Student Success Advisors
Student Success Advisors provide a supportive environment to assist students with goal-setting, academic planning, interpretation of assessment results, course selection, and referral to appropriate resources for academic and personal success. Schedule an appointment with your program Student Success Advisor. Select your program from the drop down list below.
All Programs
Todd Carlton, Student Success Advisor & Cultural Liaison
Phone: 952-995-1482
Advisor for: Audio Production; Auto Body Collision Technology; Automotive Technology; Information Technology & Cyber Defense; Marine, Motorsport & Outdoor Power Equipment Technology; and Public Works.

Anna Poteryakhin, Student Success Advisor & ESL Liaison
Phone: 763-488-2577
Advisor for: Architectural Technology; Cabinetmaking & Wood Product Design; Carpentry; Ford ASSET; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning; Landscaping & Horticulture; Medium & Heavy Truck Technology; and Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship.

Angel Hoglund, Student Success Advisor
Phone: 952-995-1300
Book an Appointment with Angel
Advisor for: Health Science (Broad Field); Medical Assistant; Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide; and Practical Nursing.

Pa Ying Moua, Student Success Advisor
Phone: 952-995-1699
Book an Appointment with Pa Ying
Advisor for: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology; Electronics Technology; Engineering CAD Technology; Fluid Power Engineering & Motion Control; Industrial Building & Engineering Maintenance; Machine Tool & Quality Assurance; Manufacturing Engineering Technology; Plastics Engineering Technology; and Welding & Metal Fabrication.

Kelly Mullins, Student Success Advisor
Phone: 952-995-1319
Book an Appointment with Kelly
Advisor for: Accounting; Business; Dental Assistant; Emergency Medical Services; and Fire Protection.

Ellen Wold, Student Success Advisor
Phone: 763-488-2778
Book an Appointment with Ellen
Advisor for: Child Development; Baking & Pastry, Culinary Arts; Graphic Design & Web Design; Interactive Design & Video Production; Peace Officer & Public Safety; and Pre-Social Work Pathway.
Sarah Cornelius, Counselor
Book an Appointment with Sarah
Advisor for: Individualized Studies.
Matt Gustafson, Counselor
Advisor for: Individualized Studies.
Faculty Advisors
Faculty Advisors (technical program instructors) provide assistance in planning a program of study consistent with the students’ educational and employment objectives.
Students can look up their specific faculty advisors in eServices under Courses & Registration > View/Modify Schedule, and may schedule a time to meet by contacting the advisor directly. See the Employee Directory for faculty contact information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know when I am ready to graduate?
You should meet with your program faculty advisor or a counselor to go over your transcript and DARS audit to see if you have met all the graduation requirements.
- If so, you should submit an Application for Award eForm according to the directions on the form.
- Your faculty advisor needs to digitally sign-off on this form indicating that they have reviewed the award requirements and whether you are on track to complete them.
- Once your faculty advisor has digitally signed and submitted the form, the Assistant Registrar will finalize the application review.
- An automated email communication will be sent to you regarding program completion readiness and next steps.
If I forgot whether I submitted my Application for Award form, what should I do?
Stop at the OneStop Center and ask them to check your records.
When will I receive my degree, diploma, or certificate?
At the graduation ceremony, you will get a diploma cover, not your actual degree, diploma or certificate. If you have met all eligibility requirements and submitted an Application for Award form, your degree, diploma, or certificate will be mailed to you approximately 12 weeks after the conclusion of the semester.
Do I need to sign up to attend the ceremony?
No. Just make sure you submit your Application for Award eForm and pay the $10 commencement fee. (You may pay this fee in eServices>Bills & Payment.) Watch your email account to see that your Application for Award is approved. After that, all you have to do is show up at the designated graduate arrival time (posted online at on Commencement Day and you will be provided a cap, gown and tassel.
Does it cost anything to participate in the graduation ceremony?
There is a $10 fee to participate in the commencement ceremony. Your student fees are paying for a portion of the ceremony to keep this cost low for you.
What if I changed my mind and I NO LONGER want to participate in the commencement ceremony even though I checked “YES” on my Application for Award form?
The $10 fee is non-refundable, and the charge will remain on your account even if you decide not to attend the ceremony.
What if I changed my mind and I DO want to participate in the commencement ceremony, even though I checked “NO” on my Application for Award form?
Please email HTC's Assistant Registrar to inform her that you have already turned in your Application for Award eForm, but changed your mind about attending the ceremony. The $10 ceremony fee will be added to your account and you will be able to participate in the ceremony. (You may pay the fee online through eServices.)
How do I ensure that my name will be printed in the graduation program?
In order to have your name printed in the graduation program, you must submit your Application for Award eForm by the posted deadline date shown on the Graduation Checklist, and you must meet all graduation eligibility requirements.
Will my name be printed in the program even if I don't plan to walk in the commencement ceremony?
Yes. All students who were approved to graduate by the deadline date noted on the Graduation Checklist, will be listed in the program that is given out at the ceremony. If there are any programs left after the ceremony, they will be available at the Reception Desk on each campus the week after commencement.
Do my guests need tickets?
Tickets are not needed. You may invite as many guests as you want however, seating is based on a first come, first served basis. Saving seats is not permitted, if your guests would like to sit together they should all plan to arrive at the same time. There will be an area outside the auditorium to listen to the commencement in the event that all seats fill.
When do I get my cap, gown, tassel, honors medal, stole, cords, etc.?
All graduation apparel will be given out at the ceremony and is not available earlier.
I am large, short, pregnant, person in a wheelchair, etc. How do I know that a gown will fit me?
A vendor will be at the ceremony giving out caps and gowns. They will be equipped with many petite to XXXL sizes, as well as some larger caps. There will be a cap and gown for you.
I have a Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctoral degree already and am receiving a certificate here at Hennepin Tech. Can I wear my regalia from my higher degree because it is a lot fancier?
No, you are being celebrated for the successful completion of this particular academic reward, in this case, a certificate. You will be with your classmates gowned alike for the reception of this certificate. You only wear your highest degree as a faculty/staff member in a commencement, university inaugural, or convocation.
What if I am graduating with honors?
If you are graduating with honors (overall/cumulative 3.5 GPA and above), you will receive an honors medallion when you check in on graduation day at the ceremony location. Overall GPA is calculated using all the courses you have taken through the end of fall term. Current semester grades cannot be included in the calculation since grades are not received by graduation day. Honor medallions are not given out for program GPA, only for overall/cumulative GPA. If you do not know your overall/cumulative GPA, please check your eServices.
What if I am a Phi Theta Kappa member?
If you are a Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) member who continues to meet the GPA requirement for membership, you will also receive your PTK stole when you check in on graduation day at the ceremony location. If you have questions please contact the PTK Advisor.
What if I am a veteran?
If you are indicated as a Veteran in your student record you will be given Veteran's cords when you check in at the ceremony. If you have questions please contact the HTC Veterans School Certifying Official.
What if I am in TRIO?
If you are in the TRIO ESL/SSS Program you will receive a stole when you check in at the ceremony. If you have questions please contact TRIO.
I want an extra tassel, gown, cap, etc. for mom, dad, dog, etc. Can I have extra?
No, we want to make sure every graduate has their one cap, gown, tassel. No extras will be available.
If I am earning more than one certificate, diploma, or degree will I receive multiple certificate covers?
No, we want to make sure every graduate receives a certificate cover. No extras will be available.
Where can my family and friends celebrate after the ceremony?
Here is a list of restaurant options close to the Convention Center. Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list. You will need to contact the restaurant to make sure it meets the needs of your party and to make reservations.
How long is the ceremony? Can I leave once I've walked?
We expect the ceremony to last approximately 2 hours. Out of respect for other graduates we ask that you and your guests remain seated for the entirety of the ceremony.
The current application process and deadlines are posted here: Law Enforcement Application Checklist
How do I know if I am eligible to apply for Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement Professional Peace Officer Licensing Program?
Before you start the application process, check to see if you meet the minimum admission standards. The admission standards can be found in the following Minimum Selection Standards Advisory form and Hennepin Tech's Professional Peace Officer Education (PPOE) Program brochure.
When are applications for the Professional Peace Officer Education Program accepted?
Applications are accepted for students to begin the Professional Peace Officer Education Program each Fall and Spring semester. A student meeting the application criteria outlined in Hennepin Tech's Professional Peace Officer Education (PPOE) Program brochure (or the Application Checklist) may apply if he/she is in the last semester of completing the prerequisite courses.
If you are unsure whether the courses taken at another college meet the prerequisites, contact Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement program before applying.
Where do I get an application for the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
The first step of the application process is to apply to Hennepin Technical College online within the application deadlines and submit official college transcripts. (The Law Enforcement Certificate major will only be available on the Hennepin Tech online application during the application date ranges.)
When you apply to Hennepin Tech, you may be asked to activate your StarID. You will use StarID to login to your eServices account, etc.
The next step is to submit a program application. The Law Enforcement Program Application Packet consists of a Law Enforcement program application form, a Minimum Selection Standards Advisory Form, Criminal Conviction Advisory Form, and an Admission Preference Certification Form.
Applications are available online only when applications are being accepted for a particular semester.
- Applications for Fall semester are accepted February 15 to May 1.
- Applications for Spring semester are accepted July 15 to November 1.
Please note: application to the program does not guarantee placement.
Will I need to take a fitness test?
Yes. The Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Board now requires a fitness test. All Hennepin Tech students are required to pass a physical fitness test during the skills component. Testing will be conducted on the Concept2 Rower at the 50 percentile according to a person's age, gender and weight. Applicants must row 2000 meters, scoring at or above the minimum 50 percentile on their test in order to pass the fitness test at Hennepin Technical College. The 2000 meter test takes place at the level 5 or damper setting 5 on the flywheel. Click on this link from the MN State Patrol and enter your age, gender and weight to view requirements.
Will I need to take the Accuplacer Placement Test?
Because Law Enforcement Program applicants must have completed 9 general education prerequisite courses in order to be eligible to apply to the program, the Hennepin Tech Accuplacer Placement Test requirement will be waived when Hennepin Tech receives your official college transcripts.
Can I substitute any prerequisite or Professional Licensing Program courses if I've taken a similar course at another school?
If you are a degree-seeking student from any of the five Minnesota State consortium colleges, you must obtain a waiver of requirement form from your home campus' registrar's office showing the substituted course(s). If you are a certificate student (non-degree seeking) you must have your transcripts reviewed by the PPOE Coordinator to determine if any of your previous coursework may be substituted for prerequisite and/or Professional Licensing Program courses.
Will Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement program accept experience in lieu of prerequisite or Professional Peace Officer Education Program courses?
It is possible to obtain credit for material mastered outside of the classroom by successfully completing examinations for certain degree requirement credits. This must be accomplished through your home college by following whatever process they have established. However, credit obtained through experience will not be granted for courses required in the Professional Peace Officer Education Program.
Do I need a conditional offer of employment from a police agency to gain admission to the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
No. Preference for admission may be given to students who have submitted an Admission Preference Certification Form signed by a chief or sheriff. The qualifications and instructions for submitting that form are included with the Law Enforcement Program application packet.
Must I be working toward or obtain my degree to be eligible to apply for the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
No. Students may work toward their law enforcement degree from any of the five consortium colleges (Century, Inver Hills, Minneapolis, Normandale, or North Hennepin). Certificate students, those who already possess an associate or bachelor's degree, no matter what their major, only need to insure they will have the prerequisite coursework completed before admission to the Professional Peace Officer Education Program.
Is Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) required to enter the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
No, it is not a requirement to enter the program, but proof of completion of an EMSRB approved EMR certification/class is required before the PPOE Coordinator can sign off for the POST Licensing exam. Certification does not have to be current.
What is proof of EMR completion?
Proof can be an official college transcript, or Minnesota EMS Regulatory Board official certification card or E-Card. You can also provide official proof of EMT or Paramedic training.
How and when will I know if I have been accepted into HTC's Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
We accept 96 students each semester. All applicants to the Professional Peace Officer Education (PPOE) Program will be notified of their admission status approximately 1 month after the application deadline.
How is it determined who receives acceptance into Hennepin Tech's Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
Applicants who complete the application materials by the prescribed deadline for each semester and who meet admission criteria will be considered eligible for admission to the theory-based courses of the Professional Peace Officer Education Program. If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the space available in the program, applicants meeting all admission requirements by the posted deadline(s) will be selected for admission in the order listed below. A random selection process is used in each category.
- Applicants with admission preference certification from a chief law enforcement officer (police chief or sheriff) in Minnesota. The order for selection within this category will begin with students from the consortium colleges.
- Applicants who are AS Law Enforcement degree candidates from a consortium school.
- Applicants who have already earned a degree prior to application.
- Applicants who are enrolled in, but have not competed all prerequisite courses. The order for selection within this category will begin with students from the consortium colleges.
How much is tuition?
Tuition rates for degree/prerequisite credits is the same as the general tuition. The tuition rate for the Professional Peace Officer Education Program is higher due to the added expense of providing specialized instruction, such as firearms training and simulation exercises. Students enrolling in the practical, skills-development classes (second semester) will also be required to pay a driving school fee in addition to tuition.
Are there any other expenses involved with attending the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
Students enrolled in the academic, theory-based courses will be required to wear a class uniform (navy blue BDU pants, gray polo shirt, and navy blue sweatshirt). Students enrolled in the practical, skills-development courses will be required to purchase defensive tactics uniforms (sweat pants, gym shorts, T-shirt) utility belt and accessories, as well as the class uniform described above. Books, uniforms and equipment will cost approximately $900 over the two-semester program.
Other expenses include: miscellaneous supplies, and the costs incurred for the medical and psychological evaluations, driving record, and a Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) background check.
Can I receive financial aid?
Student financial aid is available through the Hennepin Technical College Financial Aid Office. Hennepin Tech's school code is 010491. For more information, call the Financial Aid Office at (763) 488-2500, or email:
Are scholarships available?
A scholarship is a type of aid that does not need to be repaid. Students may apply for scholarships to help with their cost of education. These scholarships are provided by the college or outside contributors to students based on criteria determined by the donor.
For students enrolling in the Professional Licensing Program, download our current Law Enforcement Scholarship informational Brochure: Law Enforcement Scholarships.
For more detailed information please refer to:
- Department of Education’s Guide to Student Aid
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education’s Get Ready for College
Other sources of scholarship information include the World Wide Web and public library.
Scholarship Search Engines
Beware of scholarship scams!
How do I register for classes?
Students who have been admitted to the Professional Peace Officer Education Program will receive registration information after receiving their formal program admission letter.
Will I be required to complete the Hennepin Tech New Student Orientation?
Yes. Students who have been admitted into the Professional Peace Officer Education Program must complete the New Student Online Orientation before registering for courses at Hennepin Tech.
How long does it take to complete the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
For most degree seeking and certificate students the program will take two semesters. Students must take the five theory-based coursed in one semester. Students must complete the six practical, skills-development courses in one semester.
To help facilitate individual student schedules, the academic, theory-based courses are offered in a cohort model, morning (9:00-11:50 a.m.), afternoon (1:00-3:50 p.m.), and evening (5:00-7:50 p.m). Students may indicate a preference for a cohort, but are not guaranteed placement.
The practical, skills-development courses are also offered in a cohort model as well. Courses are offered in the morning (8:00 -11:50 a.m.), afternoon (1:00 -4:50 p.m.), and evening (5:30-9:30 p.m.). Theory cohort placement (morning, afternoon, or evening) determines skills cohort placement.
Are summer classes available in the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
Hennepin Tech does not offer any classes of the Professional Peace Officer Education Program in the summer.
Can classes be taken through the Internet?
Some courses for your degree may be available on the Internet; however, Hennepin Tech does not currently offer any of the Professional Peace Officer Education Program courses on the Internet.
What are Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement program office hours?
The office is open for business Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The office is closed on official State holidays. Classes, however, often run from 8:00 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Is there parking available?
There is parking in the front of the Public Safety & Police Science Center building. All students are required to pay a parking fee if they park a vehicle on campus. The fee is $3.00 per credit, and is added to the cost of tuition.
How do I apply for the Minnesota POST Board licensing examination?
The application process to take the Minnesota POST Board peace officer licensing examination is outlined in Minnesota Rules, 6700.0500. You are encouraged to visit the POST Board web site for additional information concerning their rules.
Does Hennepin Tech offer any Minnesota POST Board licensing examination review classes?
Any information concerning Minnesota POST Board licensing examination review classes will be posted on the Law Enforcement home page.
How can I contact a consortium school?
Members of the consortium can be contacted at the following numbers:
- Century College: 651-779-3300
- Inver Hills Community College: 651-450-3000
- Minneapolis Community and Technical College: 612-659-6000
- Normandale Community College: 952-358-8200
- North Hennepin Community College: 763-488-0391
Where is Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement Program located?
We are located at: 9110 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-2410.
What if I have something in my background that might prohibit me from becoming a police officer?
Please refer to the following POST Board requirements included on the Minimum Standards Advisory Form and Criminal Conviction Advisory Form. If you have further questions, please call the PPOE Coordinator at 763-657-3700.
What is the difference between a criminal justice studies degree and a law enforcement degree from Hennepin Tech?
The Criminal Justice Studies Associate in Science Degree program prepares students for careers in the criminal justice field, such as corrections, law enforcement, probation and the courts. It offers a broader course of study than the Law Enforcement Associate in Science Degree program. For Criminal Justice Studies students interested in pursuing POST Board peace officer licensing, the prerequisites courses required for admittance to the Professional Licensing Program will have been completed while they earned their degree. The Professional Peace Officer Education Program courses taken at Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement program (theory-based courses and the practicum) are credits earned beyond their degree. The Law Enforcement Associate in Science Degree program is specifically intended to prepare students for law enforcement careers.
Who do I contact if I have more questions about the Professional Peace Officer Education Program?
Call Hennepin Tech's Law Enforcement program at 763-657-3700 or
Does Hennepin Tech offer Law Enforcement Continuing Education Courses for licensed peace officers?
Yes, Call 763-657-3707 or visit the CTS Law Enforcement Program for more information.
For more information, about the Law Enforcement Continuing Education Courses, contact:
Debora Hanssen: 763-657-3707 or
Peggy Anderson: 763-657-3705 or
What is my Student ID number and how can I look it up?
The student ID number is an eight digit number specific to HTC that may be found on your student ID card, transcript, schedule, fee statement, or you can look it up by following the directions below:
- Access Hennepin Tech's homepage at
- Click on Current Students on the top of the page, then choose eServices & Schedule
- Choose a campus, then Login to eServices with your StarID and Password
- Your Student ID# should be visible on the top right side of the Student eServices page
Why doesn't my password work?
You must use your StarID to log into eServices. All current and most former Minnesota State system students have a StarID. You must activate your StarID before you can use it.
Once you change your password, you must remember it for future online transactions. If you lose or forget your password, go to for instructions.
I'm receiving a message that says there is a time conflict in my schedule. What does this mean?
You have registered for courses that conflict or overlap with each other. However, courses with a warning due to a conflict are registered courses. Please be sure to review your schedule closely and adjust accordingly.
I'm receiving a message that says "student must take or pass test or satisfy course pre-requisites". What does this mean?
Certain courses have prerequisites which are listed in the college catalog or course description. Also, some courses require a certain score on the placement test in order for a student to register. Students who have not met course prerequisites or appropriate placement test scores are responsible for requesting an authorization (override) from a counselor or instructor.
I'm receiving a message that says "student on hold". What does that mean and who should I talk to?
You have an outstanding obligation which must be resolved before you can register. You may view what type of hold is on your account: Login to eServices. Go to Courses & Registration on the left menu and select Registration Holds. Click on Check for Holds to access a list of who to contact if you need help regarding a hold on your account.
I'm receiving a message that says I have entered invalid credits. What does that mean?
You will get this message if you incorrectly enter variable credits. For example, variable credits must be entered as 0100 for a 1-credit course or 1100 for an 11-credit course.
I'm receiving a message that says only defined majors may register for this course. What does that mean?
Some courses are set up exclusively for certain majors. If you receive this message, you will not be allowed to register for that particular session. The class is reserved for the majors listed in the course notes. To view course notes, click on the course title when looking at the schedule.
How do I show proof that I'm enrolled at Hennepin Tech?
You should print your schedule. You can do this by following these steps:
- Access the Hennepin Tech's homepage at
- Go to e-Services & Schedule.
- Choose your campus and enter your StarID & password. If you want your name to appear, click in the boxed labeled Display Name.
- Click on Courses and Registration located on the left side of the screen, and then choose View/Modify Schedule. (You may change semesters, if necessary.)
- Click on Print
- Select Log Out located in the upper right side of the screen
I'm receiving a message that says Immunization required for registration. What does this mean?
This means according to our records we have not received your immunization record. You will need to complete an Immunization eForm and submit it to the OneStop Center. The Immunization eForm can be submitted online by following these steps:
- Go to, or
- Click on Current Students on Hennepin Tech's home page
- Click on Resources & Services
- Click on Student Forms located under Student Resources & Publications
- Choose Immunization Verification eForm located under Registration Forms
- Login with your StarID and Password and follow instructions to submit the eForm. OneStop Center will process the eForm as soon as possible. (Note: you must be a currently admitted student to submit the eForm.)
I'm receiving a message that says my window is closed. What does this mean? How can I look up my Registration Window?
You may have tried to register before or after your allowed date range to register online. Please check your registration window online by following these steps:
- Click on Current Students from HTC's website (
- Click on eServices & Schedule, choose your campus, and login to your eServices account using your StarID and Password
- Click on Courses and Registration from the menu on the left
- Click on Registration Window (The dates your registration window opens and closes for the currently selected semester will display)
- If necessary, choose the correct semester from the drop-down menu, press the Submit
What does admission status required for registration mean?
It means that you may have not submitted an application, have not paid the application fee, or your application is not currently active. If you have previously applied but have not attended in the last year, you may need to complete a new application to reactivate your file.
If your question is not listed, please send an email to or call OneStop Center at 952-995-1300.
Who sets the rates charged for tuition?
Hennepin Technical College is a member institution of the Minnesota State College and Universities (Mn State) System. As such, approximately 70 percent of the cost of education is funded through state appropriation of tax dollars. The remaining 30 percent is covered by tuition and fee revenue. The college, in consultation with students, establishes tuition and fee rates for each academic year and the Mn State Board of Trustees approves these rates.
What do the fees pay for?
Fee Descriptions:
Application Fee
As of March 19, 2018, Hennepin Technical College will begin charging a $20 application fee.
Student Life Fee/Student Association Fee
Each student pays a student life fee of $3.90 per credit, up to a maximum of $50.70 per semester as established by the Student Senate. This fee supports the activities of the Student Senate and the Student Life Board. Each student also currently pays a state student association fee of $0.35 per credit. This fee is authorized by MN statute and set each year by the association.
Parking Fee
All students are required to pay a parking fee if they park a vehicle on campus. The fee is $3.00 per credit, including sales tax, up to a maximum of $45.00 per semester. Students taking CEU courses pay $3.00 per CEU.
Technology Fee
Each student registered for credit courses will be assessed a technology fee of $9.00 per credit each semester. This fee supports student technology needs in all areas of the college, including hardware and staff resources to assist students. The following are specific projects that have been identified to be funded by the technology fee in the 2016-2017 academic year:
High-density wireless access
-Double the number of wireless access points on both campuses
-Increase wireless speeds from 100Mbps to 1Gbps
Health Services Fee
Each student registered for credit courses will be assessed a health services fee of $1.00 per credit each semester, up to a maximum of $13.00 per semester. This fee supports health programming, such as programs offered to students on health issues and referral resources. Also health insurance navigation and education from MnSURE, as well as questions about the Affordable Care Act.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check Fees
There will be a $20 service charge for all checks returned for non-sufficient funds or other reasons.
Other Fees/Late Fees
Other fees may be charged during the school year. A $50.00 late fee will be charged to overdue accounts.
Books, Tools and Other Costs
The college furnishes modern, up-to-date equipment in its lab areas. Materials to work on projects may also be provided. Students must purchase books, personal tools, other supplies and special clothing if required.
I am done registering. How much do I owe?
Can I mail or fax in a credit card number?
The college discourages mailing or faxing in credit card payments. The college cannot guarantee the privacy of credit card information provided by mail or fax.
Can I pay online using a checking or savings account?
Online payments can be made directly from a checking or savings account. Pay Online.
Is paying online safe?
The online payment system developers went to great lengths to protect personal information provided by its customers. All components of the process use only secure connections. The complete process, from request to actual posting of the payment is encrypted. Additionally, no personal information is stored on the system. It is only passed through to the processor for verification. The complete process has been reviewed by security experts and deemed to be secure.
How can I check to see if my online payment posted to my account?
What happens if I don’t pay today?
It is the college's policy to cancel courses for non-payment of tuition. For more information see the college's Tuition Payment Policy.
Can I make a Partial Payment?
Partial payment of tuition and fees will not prevent your courses from being canceled. In addition, you may be subject to a $50.00 late fee and a registration hold.
- eServices
- How-to register for classes
- How to change or update your major
- How to drop or withraw from a course
- How to register as a visiting student
- How to understand classroom delivery methods
- How to understand the difference between drop versus withdraw
- How to understand your degree audit report (DARS)
- How to wait list a course
- Student Forms