Grad earns degree after eight year journey

Brooklyn Park, May 24, 2022 – At the Hennepin Tech graduation ceremony in 2022, there wasn’t an award for persistence. But if there had been, we are certain Cameron Johnson would have earned it. Due to ongoing health issues, it took him eight years to earn his two-year associate degree in Individualized Studies. During an interview on gradation day, he described his long road to the finish line.
Hennepin Tech: Congratulations! You look great in your cap and gown. Tell us about your emotions right now.
Johnson: I am so happy to be done. Of course I’ll miss Hennepin Tech. I am just happy to be out of school. This might be the last school I go to.
Hennepin Tech: What was the biggest challenge?
Johnson: I have a lot of health issues. I have brain issues and I am getting treatments that are helping a lot. Going to college helped me because it gave me something else to focus on.
Hennepin Tech: What helped you achieve your goals?
Johnson: The faculty were really understanding and they knew I had health issues. Sometimes I had to say I had to leave class because I wan’t feeling well. They gave me the homework to take home. Sometimes I just needed time to feel better. I had vision issues at one point and it was hard to read so I had someone read to me for a semester. I’m OK now. I was able to ditch the “test reader” and I just used it when I needed one.
Hennepin Tech: What is your favorite memory of Hennepin Tech?
Johnson: I passed Physics. That was super hard. I am not good at math so that was a lot for me. But I passed with a “C” and I think that’s really good.
Hennepin Tech: You have shown amazing resilience so we know your future is bright. What’s next?
Johnson: I’m not sure yet. I’ve always wanted to start an organization that rescues dogs.
Hennepin Tech: There are other students who need additional years to complete their degree for many different reasons such as financial difficulties or family responsibilities. You will inspire them. What did you say to yourself that helped you stick it out?
Johnson: Everyone goes at their own pace. I did my pace and everyone can do their own pace.
About Hennepin Technical College
Founded in 1972, Hennepin Technical College (Hennepin Tech) is the largest stand-alone technical college in Minnesota. With campuses in Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie, the college offers degree and non-degree courses in over 45 programs in the skilled trades and high-demand career fields. Achieving a high job placement rate, Hennepin Tech prepares students for high-paying employment opportunities.