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Campus Resources
To succeed in college it is important to use the resources Hennepin Technical College has to offer. These resources can range from academic to student life to personal. It is important to set goals. What do you want out of life? How does your program choice prepare you for a future career? Most importantly, make sure the goals are your goals and not someone else’s. We are all here to help; we just need you to let us know how we can.
Counseling & Advising
Advisors assist students with:
- Course selection
- Academic planning
- Goal-setting
- Interpretation of assessment results
- Referral to appropriate resources for academic and personal success
You can find information about who your advisor is or book an appointment on the Advising webpage.
Counselors provide academic, career, and personal counseling to students in a confidential setting, including assisting students with:
- Developing career goals
- Creating academic plans
- Managing stress
- Understanding college policies
You can book an appointment online from the Counseling webpage.
If you are not sure where to go for advising or counseling, you can contact OneStop.
Access Services
Hennepin Tech offers reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities, whether ongoing or temporary. If you have a documented disability that may require accommodations, contact the college's Access Services Office:
- Brooklyn Park Campus
- Phone: 763-488-2477
- Eden Prairie Campus
- Phone: 952-995-1544
You can learn more about access services and find application information from the Access Services webpage.
Hunger Free Campus
Hennepin Tech believes having your basic needs met are essential to a student's overall well-being.
We as a community are committed to our students and want to provide resources to ensure a better quality of life as they pursue their academic goals.
- Learn more about food, clothes, daily need items on campus on the Hunger Free Campus webpage
- Find referrals for basic needs on the Basic Needs webpage
- The social worker supports students through difficult times. They are able to give referrals to link a student to needed resources. You can learn more on the Social Worker webpage or email
- Establish a hunger task force that meets a minimum of three times per academic year
Academic Help
Make school a priority. Plan to spend 2 hours a week outside of class for every 1 hour in a lecture course. Show up on time, be prepared and ask for help as soon as you need it and do not wait until it is too late!
Tutoring Center, Math Center, Writing Center
- Free walk-in tutoring
- Staffed by trained peer tutors, professional tutors, and faculty
- Individual sessions, group sessions, and workshops
- After hour help available from Learn more and find hours on the Tutoring Centers webpage
Campus Location | Math & Writing Center | Tutoring Center |
Brooklyn Park | Room: G221 Phone: 763-488-2646 |
Room: G241 Phone: 763-488-2451 |
Eden Prairie | Room: E150-152 Phone: 952-995-1495 |
Room: E150-152 Phone: 952-995-1548 |
Veterans Resources
Veterans and their families are encouraged to connect with Veterans Services at Hennepin Tech. You can find more information on the Veterans Services webpage.