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College Technology

Get familiar with the platforms you will be using during your time at Hennepin Tech.

Current Student Webpage

This page is your go-to hub for essential tools, resources, and updates to support your success. Access key services, stay informed with announcements, and find everything you need in one convenient place.

You'll find

  • Quick links to D2L Brightspace, student email, and eServices
  • The college calendar and announcements
  • A resource list tailored for current students

You can find the current student landing page from the dropdown in the upper right corner of the website under "I am".

Star ID

  • Learn your StarID and password. You will need it often as a student.
  • Your username for all of your technology platforms (eServices, college email D2L, etc.) include the same StarID, and they all share the same password.
  • If you need to reset your password, please visit This will reset your password for all logins.
  • Your StarID is universal within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.


eServices is your student account which allows Hennepin Tech. To login, you will enter your StarID and password.

Helpful eServices navigation:

  • Dashboard: See if any action is needed from you on your account
  • Account Management: Change your address and emergency contact information
  • Courses & Registration: Search, add or modify classes. You may also review or print your class schedule including:
    • Your instructor's contact information
    • Classroom locations.
      • ARR means a classroom has not yet been assigned or is an online class
      • WEB means this is an online course
    • Course delivery method. Classes will be held in one of the following methods:
      • On-campus
      • Blended/hybrid
      • Mostly online
      • Hyflex
      • Completely online asynchronous
      • Completely online synchronous
      • Arranged
    • Academic Records: You can find your final semester grades and track progress toward program completion.
    • Financial Aid: Check your FAFSA request status
    • Bills and Payment: You can pay your tuition bill, create a payment plan or print tax records

Tech ID

  • Your Tech ID is your student ID with Hennepin Tech only.

Your Hennepin Tech Email & Office365 Account

  • Instructions to set up your student email account can be found on the myHennepinTech webpage under Email Set-up. This is how Hennepin Tech will communicate with you. it is also how you will be notified of any registration waitlist and any online class communication.
  • Your email will be but your login is different. Your loin username is This is not a separate email account.
  • You will be prompted for a multi-factor authentication (MFA). For step-by-step instructions on how to set this up, please visit the Technology Services webpage.
  • Office365 contains multiple apps for you to use, including: Microsoft Word, Excel, and more. You can find your email inbox under the Outlook app.
  • Once you are a student, Hennepin Tech will use your email for  communications. We will no longer use your personal email.
  • Check your email daily for updates and notifications. This is how you will be notified of any reistration waitlist and online class communication. Instructors may also email before the start of the semester with important information.
  • All correspondence with your instructors must come from your Hennepin Tech email not your personal account.

Star Alert

This is the Hennepin Tech emergency notification system. In the event of an emergency or school closing, Star Alert transmits emergency notification messages to the subscriber’s cell phone and/or email system. This system uses real-time communications, and has optional enrollment.

D2L Brightspace

  • D2L Brightspace is a course management system. Each of your classes will have its own portal with online textbook access, assignments, grades, and more.
  • You will have to wait until the day after you register for classes to access D2L Brightspace.
  • Note that more functions will open on your first day of class.
  • Before the semester begins, you can enroll in and take the free "Orientation to Online Learning in D2L" course to practice navigating D2L and to learn tips to succeed in online courses.
  • You can also get help learnin this platform from Tutoring. Watch for special on-campus training events at the start of each semester.

Campus Wi-Fi

To access wi-fi on campus, log into the eduroam network. You will login with your email. 

For assistance, please visit:

Brooklyn Park campus

Visit the Library

Eden Prairie campus

Visit Technology Services in room G115

Technology Services Department

Phone: 952-995-1411

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